Friday, January 15, 2016

Potty Training. Shoot. Me. Now.

Raise your hand if you love potty training your children!! Now use that hand to slap yourself.. This process is NOT fun. lol My almost 2 year old has begun to show interest in using the porcelain pot.

Yay Me!.. Not.

While there are perks to potty training, I loathe the whole process. You know, the zillion trips to the bathroom, only for him to pee on the floor instead of in the toilet. I know once I can call quits to buying diapers and wipes and put up the all-in-two cloth diapers, I will appreciate potty training much more. But.. We still have a long road ahead with this kiddo.. 

I'm hoping that he will catch on pretty fast by being around his big brother and seeing how he uses the pot. 
Wish us luck, and say a prayer that I keep my sanity!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

2016, nowhere to go, but up!

        Here we are, almost a full week into the New Year! How many of you have already thrown your resolutions out the window? Yeah, that's why I am not one for making a list of resolutions. My "goal" for this year is to be MOTIVATED.

 2015 was so draining for me, financially, physically, mentally and spiritually..I was so glad for that year to end!! I want to be motivated in every aspect of my life.

 My husband and I are going to try to shift into a semi-minimalist lifestyle. I mean, seriously. I have probably 200+ articles of clothing and only wear about 25 of those. It's so wasteful. I have already donated two huge boxes of clothes to the Salvation Army a couple weeks ago.. What are your favorite charities to donate to? We have a local women's shelter but I literally cannot find their drop off location.

Also this year, I am going to try to get back into the work force. I hate that I haven't worked in FIVE YEARS! I went to type up my resumรจ and well, that was disheartening. However, I haven't given up! I just need to make some tweaks, and find some phrases to use that pretty much glam up the basics. We all do it.. Don't judge me. 

Friday, November 13, 2015



I'm sure you have already heard of the attacks in Paris, France. 
It's devastating. At least 100 people are reported to have died at the Bataclan concert hall in central Paris.
So if you would, take a minute and pray for the families of the ones who were killed, and pray for the ones who are still being held hostage. Paris, worldwide there are people hurting with you. God Speed.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Planning to Plan...

  Who knew that picking out a personal organizer could be so dad-blamed hard?
Pinterest is not making this easy! There are so many cute planners/organizers to choose from, it's overwhelming. So here I am, binge watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix, and have 6 tabs open on my laptop trying to plan which planner I want to plan my next year in. I am the type of person who needs to have their day written out step by step or NOTHING gets done. 
When I say step by step, I'm talking :
1. Brush teeth
2.Drink Greens
3. Fix Make-Up

Can any of my readers recommend a good personal organizer? Preferably something cute. And yes, cuteness matters. Big Thanks! 

As a mom, my life is pretty hectic. I am trying my hardest to master my time. With 2 small kids and a dog, it's hard to plan anything. For the sake of my sanity, this Mama has got to get a handle on things.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Well, Hello!

Where to start? A short Bio? Okay. 

My name is Kayley. I'm a mom of two boys. I've been married to my best friend for 5 years now. We currently reside in Georgia.

He was born in North Carolina, I was born in Florida. 18 years later our paths crossed. BOOM. Immediately we became best friends. A year and a half later, we said "I do."
The Florida that I grew up in, was not the beaches and breezes. Nope, Where I grew up, our lives revolved around dirt roads,four wheelers, fishing and hunting...Oh, and football. (Even though we pretty much sucked) 
My personality and beliefs are a little different. 
I'm an outgoing introvert.
 That's a thing right?

I tell my husband all the time that I am a Christian Conservative Hippie. Yeah. Picture that. I'm guessing you are imagining a woman who wears oober conservative and boring clothing, George Bush loving lady, who doesn't shave her legs or arm pits. Ha! What an image. 
I do dress modest,but try to always dress cute unless I'm feeling frumpy.. I do shave..because i find not shaving, not an option. The "hippie" part of me loves the healthier options. You know, essential oils, natural remedies and other things like that. I'm a firm believer in coconut oil, epsom salt and breast milk..After all, they fix everything. Now, being from the south, I am a proud supporter of the Second Amendment. Oh, and I proudly support my Blue Family and our Military.. 
 Doesn't that throw a wrench in the hippie works?

I am pretty much one big contradiction. 
Or maybe... I'm like "independent" in my beliefs.
 I don't side with any one stereotype, I guess you could say.
 I pick what I like, then I love it. 

Does this even count as a Bio? Or is it more of an "about me" thing?